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soup recipes

  • Coconut Tomato Soup
    This light, spicy noodle soup makes a satisfying lunch or supper.
  • Green Pea & Broadbean Soup
    First had pea soup with pinenuts on a friend's hen weekend in Dorset after a midnight dip in the Atlantic! The swim was bracing, the hot soup afterwards very consoling.
  • Noodle and Beansprout Soup
    This is a very simple version of a chinese-style noodle and vegetable broth.
  • Spicy Lentil Soup
    You can go *really* hot and sour if you up the garam masala and the lemon juice, and grind in plenty of black pepper.
  • Tofu and Red Pepper Soup
    A rich, spicy noodle broth with blackened, juicy stir-fried peppers and tofu.

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New Vegan Recipes

It's getting to be spring-like and lovely, with the light, warm evenings. Time for some light, warm suppers, like Green Pea & Broadbean Soup with Toasted Pinenuts or New Potato and Rocket salad.

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